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Dry Needling is a technique that uses fine needles to target myofascial trigger points. Myofascial trigger points, often referred to as “trigger points”, are localised and hypersensitive nodules in muscles that can cause pain, discomfort and referred sensations. 


These points are characterised by taut bands of muscle fibres that are more sensitive and tense than the surrounding tissue. When pressure is applied to these trigger points, it can cause pain at the site or in other parts of the body, this is known as referred pain. Myofascial trigger points are commonly associated with muscle overuse, injuries, stress, poor posture and other factors that can lead to muscle tension and dysfunction. 


​Which conditions respond well to Dry Needling therapy?


Muscles are almost always involved in the most common physical injuries, Dry Needling can help with conditions such as low back pain, neck pain, tension headaches, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, knee pain, ankle sprains, post exercise muscle soreness, plantar fasciitis, muscle tension/strains and joint stiffness.


How does it work?


Dry Needling technique involves placing needles into these trigger points in order to reduce pain, relaxing muscle fibres and restoring normal function. It has wide ranging effects including improving joint mobility, restoring muscle strength, reducing muscle pain and even reducing inflamed soft tissues following acute injuries.


What if I don’t like needles?


For individuals uncomfortable with needles, our therapists are adept at delivering effective dry needling treatment with minimal intervention. Various options are available to moderate pain arising from dry needling, including adjusting the diameter of the needles, depth of insertion, delivery method, duration of insertion and the type of needle. Rest assured, all acupuncture needles used are of the highest quality, sterile and single-use.


What’s the difference between Dry Needling & Acupuncture?


Both Dry Needling & Acupuncture use a fine filament needle or Acupuncture needle. However, Dry Needling is used to treat muscle pain, whereas Acupuncture is often used to treat general health conditions.


How will I feel after Dry Needling Therapy?


Most patients will respond very favourably to Dry Needling therapy. In the same way that you feel a degree of soreness after a manual therapy treatment, you may also feel sore after Dry Needling. However the soreness should only last for 12-24 hours.


Is Dry Needling safe?


Dry Needling is very safe. In a study (Brady et al. 2013) of 7,629 treatments which recorded the possible adverse events related to using Dry Needling, it was found that Dry Needling had a very low percentage of serious outcomes (0.04%) as compared with the possible serious adverse reactions resulting from taking Aspirin (18.7%)  and Ibuprofen (13.7%).


Can I refuse to have needling and request another treatment option?


Yes. After taking a full case history and examining the area of your pain or discomfort, your therapist will discuss the best treatment options for your particular presentation. Before proceeding with any treatment we will ask your consent before we commence your treatment plan.





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